Monday, October 16, 2017

Shoo.. forget you

Shoo.. forget you, abandon you, neglect your feelings... we are a thousand miles away from those words. It is impossible for my heart to lean and love another one in this earth or another.
I'm sleepless, suffering from distance, 
I never asked you to show your love, to let me know in you care,
I'm not even willing to let you be fair,
I may forget your sins towards me, I may forget how you humiliating my dignity, but to forget you.. No I'm sorry I can't
Our love story has it's unforgettable unique memories, It's the days while i truly felt with my heart beats, It's the days which contain dreams came true and dreams still awaiting to come true.
My life before you appeared you owned a long ago, even the rest of my life still waiting your existence to be yours.
years passed as seconds in our love story, with all it's ups and downs,  all the sweet passions were visible even in our adversaries.
And you say, I will forget you, How .. while even we are sad, even we are in distance I love you more than yesterday.

Yes.. May be I'm sad, mad... may be I failed to be everything you hopped for, but in our story, 
separation, abandon, or even forget about each other's... not an options,

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Life is a big theater, there are the actors, compars and directors...  Assistants and even producers.
Everyone needs a spirit of creativity, Everyone works to achieve a goal... But what makes
successful work are the spirit of teamwork and a worthwhile story.
If you occupy one of these roles with no doubt you are creative .. If not .. don't regret, bring a chair and come sit next to me and let us enjoy the show, for only us whom paid for the tickets.

The time to honor yourselves ends soon

To family,
He who said "Love is like war" wasn't know what love is, for history teaches me that in any ordinary life parents die and their sons bury them but in war parents live to bury their children, whichever war it was.

To readers,
If you want quick happiness... avenge,
If you want endless happiness... you must learn to forgive.

To you,
Between the calmness of the night and the tranquility of the soul I find the bliss of life .. And by your virtue I learned that in silence also there is a life ... And between calmness, tranquility and silence there are endless details will not be realized by anyone else but us.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Cruelty does not make men. As humiliation does not make heroes

it is a lesson that everyone should learn, must be given before an expected return.
it is something that isn't given for free, it is about us and never about me
it is the basis on which relationships are founded, it is the anchor that keeps a person well grounded, it builds the character and defines who we are, sets the standard and raises us from afar... respect, respect
Everyone expects respect no matter who they are,
The only way to gain it is to start treating everyone not as part of our extended family but as we  expect them to respect us, no matter what color or creed, beliefs or race they are for only then you will start to get the respect you so dearly crave.

Only empty pots have high resonance.

All other lovers being estranged or dead, and we still bright
speech after long silence; is the only way to be right...
We loved each other or we were just ignorant.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Without you..

I've forgotten sleep and its dreams, nights and its stars lights.... Far from you my life is torture,  Don't go far from me and I have nothing but teardrops in my heart.
With myself I live far from you, Desire conquered me, the sleepless nights melted me, And no matter how much the desire keeps me up, and no matter how much the separation confuses me, no fire of love will change me nor will the days make me far... From you
Now no sleep nor tears in my eyes for the separation is over for me, for between desire and desperation, and between fear and its illusions.... I worry for you and I'm afraid you'll forget me, And the desire for you will forever awake me.
Remember me in a beautiful moment.... We lived in it for love, May that words remind you of me,
Take my years,Take all of them, Except for the seconds in which I see real you or learn me how I hide it... how I say it to make you understand.
I was longing for you... When there was only two steps between us, Look, look how it is now, Where am I my darling and where are you
What to do ?
Don't tell me what to do
You are the hope of my life, Why do you deprive me of it
My eyes were making me jealous of my love, and now they cry for you because of my defeat... When you are the light of my eye, o.. the soul of my heart, where are you..!

Please write a poem on who you are..?

An online friend requested from afar
What? I’m worthless, nothing was my thought... but that wasn’t the answer that he sought... After being so nicely asked and I couldn’t resist, so I sat down to make a truthful idea list.
Who is anyone..? where is anyone..? That’s the key I thought, after brainstorming I really felt distraught... Perhaps I should start ... age, sex, location...?
But it doesn’t describe you or clear frustration, these things won’t touch the surface of anyone, for the real inner me now that would be gone
Is it your heart..? My brain..? How I think..? How you think..?
Maybe the fact sometimes I feel life’s down the sink..?
Or maybe our feelings what makes us happy or sad?
And those irritating things that make me so mad ?
Is it loving art, music and reading a book with a good song, or maybe that I often get things so very wrong.
Perhaps that I care far too easily..?

Does work is a great excuse to hide, avoiding things crashing in with the tide
Perhaps it's the reason I like black and white, or I only search for something unique and very bright, maybe its that my senses often cry at hearing sad song, and get lumps in my throat is that wrong ?
Maybe its whatever I do never seems enough, to make people contented is continually tough.
On a game said I search truth, honor in mankind, I hoped but o... so rare these days I find.
Yes I know I’m gullible and often don’t see, those that not friendly good interest in me, Maybe it’s that I cringe when I turn on the news, for the hurt, badness injustice in the world does me bruise.
I know, it’s that I believe there’s good in everyone, however much they behave hurt me I forgive- is that wrong?
I believe in good and truth eventually being shown, Even if for ages it was carefully hidden not known,
Maybe that’s I’m just a dreamer of impossible things, of unspoilt nature mountains, woodlands and streams
But its my heart and soul that I see, they shape my thought actions and me
And I write what comes from my head, I guess show my feelings and stuff I dread
My inner thoughts I guess must come through, They all express my feelings putting you in view.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Just let me go..

Hope's perfect mirror with your pretending will broken,
Shadows of true things you still unspoken,
Why, when our sun shines clearest,
Why, when our hopes seen nearest,
Why, when our life feels dearest,
From my sorrows gleaning, thoughts of the words have deep meaning,.. and before we bleeding, let us rejoice while leaning.
Hope's perfect mirror with your pretending will broken,Shadows of true things you still unspoken, Why, when our sun shines clearest, Why, when our hopes seen nearest, Why, when our life feels dearest,
From my sorrows gleaning, thoughts of the words have deep meaning,.. and before we bleeding, let us rejoice while leaning.

True love never needs words,

You don't help me to be patient with promises, tenderly speech and pledges
I've been patient so long with this fire, torment and degradation, What a mistake and I can't make it again..  even if there are desires and longing for you, nevertheless, patience has its limits, my darling
Love kept me patience a long time and I concealed a lot in my heart, I was satisfied despite your injustice however all of this had an influence
and the closeness was behind me
And in silence I had a lot of mercy
And when you met me I had lost all patience loving you
And still I live with my hope even if cost me a lot of years in your love
You don't give me patience that's it I'm sick of it
Showing me you're my salvation when I sacrifice no matter how cruel you are
There's no passion in this world that could live like this on illusions for true love never needs words,

In love and living

My destiny, my day and nights of desire... From the flame of longing in your eyes you ignite my tenderness, what is this poetry you have in your eyes that made the most beautiful words jealous, what is the scent of this perfume of your hands
From the spring in your lips
From the nights in your eyes
From the flames in your cheeks
From the tenderness in your hand
My soul got lost on this journey and I was lost with it, protect me from the sands of time, protect me, and hide me far from all the prying eyes.

So long nights that pass killing my hopes and leaving me ashes asking the I.. What's in it if she forgets to love me..?
My fear is that she won't take it nor will she leave me
My fear is that this great happiness will be taken from me

My fears is losing you when the I.. will be me.
all the love I loved was yours, my darling tell the world with me, This life is nothing but love.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Mysterious to everyone
unnamed person
a noble emotion pure with sense,
ever wanting this to happen
beg. to end as number one
request with all of you
desire to feel, touch, unimaginable
let go,
not erased by mind... for it'll always remains blind
sensational touch
with one love... we need to do only on thing
do.... everything on earth with you.

How to be patient in love, O

You don't help me to be patient with promises, and candy-coated speech and pledges, I've been patient so long with this fire inside, torment and degradation.
What a mistake...!  and I won't make it again.
And even if there is desires and longing for you, nevertheless, patience has its limits, my darling
Love kept me patience a long time and I concealed a lot in my heart, and I was satisfied despite your injustice however all of this had an influence,
And the closeness was behind me, And in far-ness I had a lot of mercy
And when I'll met you.. I'll lose all patience in loving you, so for now I live with my hope, Even if cost me a lot of years in your love
You don't give me patience that's it I'm sick of it, Showing me you're my salvation when I sacrifice no matter how cruel you are
There's no passion in this world that could live like this on illusions
True love never needs words it needs solutions,

A heart of diamonds

You confused my heart with you, and I am hiding and concealing my emotions, Tell me what should I do with you or what should I do with my heart, I want to complain to you from the fire of your love, I want to tell you about what I kept in my heart, what is keeping me sleepless at night, what is making my feelings cry and to describe to you the exhaustion of my soul, but my self-pride, my dignity prevents me,

O.. one look in my eye, and you'll see what is written in it... This glance of desire and longing and this tear I hide, and this dream between my eyelids stays with me the whole night, it kept me awake between thoughts and sorrows
And its shadow passed me inside my eye,
And between my desire and my deprivation,
And my confusion with my repression,

O.. how many nights I've spent with my dream, I give my soul patience with a word you said to me one day, spent the night thinking of what has happened to you and what has happened to me,
And I said he has neither experienced confusion upon when I greet him nor has he experienced desire to my eye, he will speak, and then I comes back and forgive you again and again and long for you to be with me,

I fought you between my soul and made good with you and fought you again and I say after my soul takes pity on me... It obeys me to increase my deprivation and I will remain loving you no matter what I say, or what has confused my thoughts,
Your heart does not indicate a hidden love and when you heart deprives me and shows my eye your love... I am concerned for what is preoccupying you and my soul hears your call.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

the death of our life

Too much of good things may be bad, the sooner it spreads happiness the near it will turn us into sad. 
We may got our share of necessary losses, but we should go on with pride, dignity and never be mad. 
For all our ups and downs were but distinguishing between who will be there and who can't found.
yet always remember that, life is what once was held onto light, through misty despair it may leave our sight,
I've a heart protect you, called you my life, but I have a question do simple yet Sharp as a knife ...
are we living life of death, or the death of our life . ..?
are they pretend to help you watching our lives decay,  or you just waiting our "togetherness" last day. 
which of these questions holds the truth...!
which of our feelings need more proves..!

good morning

Maybe I failed to show you how much I love you, but be sure I'll prove that sincerity still excited.. And still alive.


If you really love someone . You will stand face to face against the wind. You neither leave his heart wounded nor in the middle of the fire thow it away.
If your heart was still innocent... How to judge by injustice on innocent. And leave his heart lonely, sinking, wrestling waves all alone.
If you really love by all your heart ..  you should knew how to protect your love, you do not hesitate even for a second to dwell among his embrace and hug, not in a minute you go and forget about him without any excuses.
If you love someone, you wouldn't fool him, or let him suffer from your absence, and waiting you with tears to know your way every night..  Every day
Never bore him so much until it becomes over his will... Neverlethim regrets for fidelity wasn't sin,
If you love someone , you should knew its feeling need two together to explain,  not a feeling full of bitterness
If you love someone . You should sacrifice, break down any rules, don't be the cause of his wounds, don't hurt him deeply in his emotions... And when he was weak, he was waiting for a moment of merciful.  he was hoping for honesty heart which stood with him... Side by side before he gets collapse...

Monday, October 09, 2017


Yesterday I said goodbye to my last tears, I Shied it overcame all the places and memories that brought us together,
And returned alone grabbing through this darkness roads, Where she went. Searching even for her as a friend wondering to where all swept away with love,
Then again another new tear flow over them all,  When about her heart..  My heart asked me,  where it vanished... Even the perfume she was used to let it touch her skin..  I smell it..  I smell it from afar. 
You awoke my wounds which were quenched. You thought it was dead, how you think that wounds can be dead,
Now I lost picture of the truth. Of my old pictures, it was remain antics .. Then you Killed it by silence.

Reads history

Whoever reads history, despair will never enter his heart, and he will see that life is nothing but days God deliberates it between people.
The rich become poor, the poor turn rich, and he who yesterday's strong may be the weaker today,
Even yesterday's rulers are homeless today, Judges are accused, and he who has the power are defeated sometimes somewhere somehow.
The astronomy keep routing and life do not stand and keep moving, even accidents do not stop running ..and people exchange chairs,
Neither sorrow nor joy lasts forever except the pain of your true love, will always bleed in this forbidden place called heart.. So be sure before you fall in love, for at this very moment you give someone else the permission to hurt you eternally.

The life you've taken.

Tell me, what I should do and still I didn't do it. What I missed to be the man who can fit,
My life you have taken, my heat you have gotten... All love words had written, words I new its meaning and even the words meanings I've forgotten. 
Tell me, what I should do and still I didn't do it, what I missed to be that man . . .  before I'll leave this earth and waiting you in the other side with a tear telling you "I'm still waiting for you see how fool you were. ..!"

Sunday, October 08, 2017

I'll leave you.

Clinging to the tone of deprivation and kept complaining, letting subject goes astray, neither the sweetness you saw helped you nor the tenderness you feel everyday, 
and I know there's nothing will intercede to my heart saving it from that sway,
Am I hurting you, O..  be honest for you have the ability to hurt a country... 
I'll leave you for there is nothing left you can do but killing me, 
I'll leave you and abandon you forever for you think you bought me, 
I'll leave you for the "I" in me shout, and the "you" with hopeless doubt, will never be "we".