
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Eye !!

Mirrors or spies
what are your eyes?
Do you see the thorns or the beautiful blossoms?
Do you live with poor self acceptance?
Making yourself less by focusing on faults?
Or do you inspire yourself by focusing on your perfections?
Each blossom does not compare itself each to the other.
What are your eyes mirrors or spies?
What do you see, In the face of a stranger?
Do you see a brave man, Or a coward who would run from danger?
What do you see, In the stars of the sky?
Windows to the heavens, Or simply what you pass when you fly?
What do you see, In the homes of the poor?
An opportunity to help, Or a house of another whore?
What do you see, In the reflection of your soul?
Compassion and a bleeding heart, Or is that what you lack to make you whole? 

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