
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Past .. don't you know !!!

Forget the past the past is forever gone
The dead at peace the living must live on
The rill downhill to the river ever flow
And the people like the Seasons come and go.
For our mistakes we can be made to pay
But we cannot change what happened yesterday
But if we learn from the mistakes we have made
'Tis not too high the price that we have paid.
The past is gone and what is done is done
Though old men talk of battles lost and won
But we should not live our lives in yesterday
You win some and you lose some one might say.
The past is gone to it why should we cling
Of long dead heroes the old songster sing
Salute the men and women in their prime
Though they too must also bow to father time.
Forget the past 'tis gone forever more
Like last week's water to the ocean shore
And live for today don't look too far ahead
'Tis soon enough we will be with the dead. 

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