
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Searching the meaning of life ..!!

Shall we be grateful 
for the air we breathe and the life,
we have to fight for, daily - every minute,
to guard against infections
and diseases of all sorts?
Shall we be grateful
for the food and shelter -
we are blessed to have,
even when they are full of -
dangerous microbes and particles that pollute?
Shall we be grateful
for living without hopes,
and caring without incentives -
for growing without goals,
and dying without testaments?
Shall we be grateful
for being created to be and grow,
to eat, work, eat and drink - recour -
to be young, beautiful energetic and then -
in the end, so frail and worn our dignity be gone?
Are we here today in order
to record the wonders of nature,
and the changes in the lives of man and all,
on the planet Earth that swells with life -
only then to quit and return to ashes?
Or else the reason for the presence of man
has not yet been told by the evolution's story
for while we enjoy the goods we have,
we forget to ask why we are here -
and tend to think we'll live for ever! 

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