
Monday, August 27, 2012

Love to know.

Time flies by so quickly 
almost in a blink of an eye 
and years vanish almost completely. 
It does not seem forty-three years ago 
I put pen to paper and wrote 
what has turned out to be my best poem ever. 
The one that has attracted more attention 
than any other I have written. 
Its accolades still confound me 
as I am in wonder of them all. 
Especially as it was never written 
as a poem at all, but a lyric for a song. 
As a lyric, it was turned down 
as being rather immature, 
but as a poem, it is loved by everyone. 
I find it hard to believe that forty-four people 
have added it to their favourites list. 
I am still rather in awe of its reception. 
I am still trying to comprehend 
that any one of my works would be so highly prized. 
Every time I read it, I try to find 
the essence everyone else sees. 
The beauty within it that captures their imagination. 
One day someone might explain to me 
the beauty I actually captured, 
at least I hope they will, 
as I’d dearly love to know.

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