
Thursday, August 09, 2012

My Life journey

The radiant sun ascends into the blissful new morning.
Ships sail across the stark emptiness of the ocean calling.
Their individual sails.
The eagerness and gleeful excitement prevails.
As the journey of life is soon to begin.

The storehouse, the dock…
The cradle, the cot, 
Every person providing their input, the new ship special.
Preparing the departure of the safely nurtured vessel
Awaiting the release, the maiden voyage. 

The harbour intercepting
The thick walls protecting
The delicate wooden exterior of the ship.
With the sound of the water providing a steady drip.
Passing by to reveal the vast sea 
The strong boat fitting through the walls like a key
Their sails midway down, catching the soft breeze 
Progressing the slow journey with ease 

As the ship pulls out into the north
Rocking unsteadily back and forth
As it sets its pace, its journey taking wing
The light hearted crew beginning to sing
As the bright sun shines upon their faces
The journey ahead looking towards many places. 

The progression out becoming steadier
The crew’s ambition becoming readier. 
A slow paced crawl beginning the progression
The sun descending, loosing its aggression.

From the support boats floating at its side
Assuring the crew of the height of the tide
To the departure of the company
Poetically gliding across the water, a silent soliloquy 

The small ship sails across the wavering water
Weighed up against another, like it’s new born daughter
Completely alone and unaware of its fate
It’s speed and grace, it’s winning trait. 
As with all stories, something must go wrong
Like the story of life, it will be told through this song
There’s always a time, a place in your life
When it feels so alone, like a continuing strife. 
Much like our ship, so small and unaided
Merely matter of time, before its cause becomes jaded.
Bigger ships, the battle for space
Trying to put it back in its place.

Sharp detonation from the cannon of a much larger ship
cataclysmic blows with the strength of a whip. 
The resistance was weak, much like the craft
The larger ship simply sat back and laughed. 
Before it found its feet, biting back sharply
The cannons now loaded, fighting back bravely.

The battle begins, both valiant ships fought for long
And thus it continued, right through to morn.
The little ship was tough, its first hurdle to jump
And jump it did, the ships response far too late.
Conceited and proud, it was caught unawares 
Moisture obtrusive, unfortunate affairs. 

And as it began to sink, its crew watching in sorrow, somewhat bereft. 
The small ship invaded, took all that was left
It’s place in the world moulding as it grew
A fate that is shared with more than a few.

All was well, until a short stage in life
A stage that shant pass like the sound of a fife.
The mutinous rebellion of the ships own crew
Fighting with itself – a short civil war
Breaking it down, its security no more. 

The ships new look, its previous experiences
It’s will for self discovery, ignorance its hindrance
Enlarging its appearance, the arrogant force
Storming through the ocean, on its high horse.

Trigger happy, yet striving for self improvement
“Better than the rest”, It would boast through its movement
But deep down the angst would tear it apart
Beat down the conceited, high spirited heart. 

This time quickly ran out, the dramatic scene to end
As it soon discovered it had nothing to trade and nothing to spend.
A large economy of fruitful crafts
Each making their way, working up from mere rafts. 
The ships crew could see, that without this skill
It would get no where, and would surely end in a kill

So with this in mind, after several criminal assaults 
They gathered an inventory without any faults
Beginning to trade would pose some issues
The crew to begin with handling the stock with some misuse 
This soon would be corrected
Some lessons inflicted
Business now blooming 
And profit, assuming. 

As the experienced ship floats steadily on
Its wood slightly wilted and its innocence gone
The sails flying high, yet the edges beginning to fray
Gaining more wear day by day
Now at the top, looked up upon by others
Responsible to care for those without bothers.

Day by day as the ship rises up in ranks
Its modified body as strong as tanks
The older ships from which it had traded
Have fallen and sank, defeated and raided.

Unfortunately all, every good thing must end
The ship, the journey and the life of a friend
Soon to be followed by the end of the road
Withered and tired from carrying the load.
The ship itself to tell this tale - 
We must tell how it fell and lost its sail

The rotted wood falling naturally apart
The ships base failing, much like the heart
As the water trickled in through the rotting timber
The structure of the ship started to hinder
The construction unable to be saved
End its life in a watery grave.

And this my friends, is how it ends
A tale of how a sailor’s life spends.
Take to heart the story I’ve told
For before you will see one similar unfold. 

Its a long long journey

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