
Sunday, September 02, 2012

A disappointed life

The ash tray holds the ashes
From his smoked out cigarettes
With each new passing day
He's filled with more regrets
It seems life and chances
Have all but passed him by
He struggles just to exist
But he's not too sure why
His life has been a failure
By any standard that you use
It seems the choices that he made
Were always the wrong one's to choose
But still he always tried
To do what was right
He sleeps away the days
He stay awake all night
Drinking eases the pain
Of a life that went all wrong
He tried so very hard
But he's just not that strong
Years ago his wife left him
She couldn't take no more
One day when he returned home
He found a note upon a hospital door 

O... your wife passed away be strong
So that is why we have to leave
I wish you nothing but the best
I'm still think of you when I look at the kids
Goodbye, and God Bless
Well that was eight years ago
That's how long he's been alone
His body is old and feeling tired
He's waiting to be called home

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