
Monday, September 24, 2012

Mindful Thinking ..!!

You're not where you think you are. Why do you live in your mind? Come out here, get some air with me.
Live in the present moment. Think about the time. No, not the clock. It's the same time every second.
Look around, think positive. Whether your driving or just walking around, focus on what you see. When was the last time you smelled the flowers?
Humanity's problem is their existence. They have no existence. They spend every moment inside themselves. Does anybody these days actually open their heart?
There is a term I'd like to teach you all,
Mindful Thinking.
What's it mean?
Being present in your mind, not just body.
Wheres your soul gone?
Wheres your heart gone?
Where have you gone?
Where am I?
The time is always now. It's not two fifty two in the afternoon, it'now.
Remember that next time you get lost in your mind. just .. just like i do. Mindful thinking from a thankful mind.

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