
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

There used to be days,

There used to be days,
When i was a witty and humorous guy, 
that i could make people laugh, 
until they start to cry, 
and i would often create stories
filled with such a humor and joy, 
that everybody would ask me 
how can u do it every time oh man. 
There used to be days....
Often i would tell things in such a way, 
and often i would act in such a way, 
that nobody could resist to laugh, 
however hard they may try, 
and even if it would be late for the day, 
and even if i would be done for the day, 
people used to hold me by hand, 
and they wont let me say good bye.
There used to be days....
While i was cruising really very fast, 
one day something happened that almost broke me apart, 
and in those few hours of storm, 
i lost whatever wit and humor i ever had, 
i thought the things would improve, 
but nothing happened as the days passed by, 
and i the witty and humorous guy became a silent and shy guy.
but there used to be days

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