
Sunday, September 09, 2012

Unanswered questions

Where did the light go? 
and when did the darkness take over ? ! 
everything's out of place! 
where did the love go? 
and when did violence become the new peace ? ! 
it's all so hatefully.
where did the happiness go? 
and when did the depression take over ? ! 
it's not right. ..!!
and when did the lonelyness become company ? ! 
and when did this obsession of black come back ? ! 
and why is suicide such a want ? ! 
where did all the tears come from ? ! 
where's all the blood coming from ? ! 
why am i so angered ? ! 
why has 'god' let me down ? ! 
why am i in pain ? 
why am i such a mistake? ! 
why am i still alive? ! 
why am i even here? ! 
why is it so hard to smile? ! 
how did all this come upon me? 
why arent the pills working? 
why does this world have to be so cruel

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