
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Waiting for you

To me about you as it counts the stars 
and frequently even excessively 
mainly there, it is you. 
The stars I have known, 
have consisted of only one thing, 
threes and sevens. 
Stars without you, 
'That star does not show, 
'at all in me-And you look at everything. 
When I see, the star dispersed about dawn it sings
of mourning, 'concerning your head. 
The star which is you I have not met, 
under any condition, therefore as for me, 
when I think of that which you spoke concerning you, 
however long is the way 
and I directly, 
'never with you, can I speak of it, 'excessively, 
you do not have to appear, yet when you do, 
and watching ... yet I'm still waiting for you.

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