
Sunday, October 21, 2012

As if waiting to be revenged

There is something about being disrespected, 
That cements itself in one's mind to stay.
As if waiting to be revenged.
No matter who pretends a forgiveness has been given...
As if one's approval has been voted upon to be accepted.
By those who participated in the disrespecting.
The one disrespected does not forget.
And the culprits aren't quite sure, 
If their deeds done have been remembered.
But if anyone has been singled out for mockery...
The odds they will remember being ridiculed, 
Are pretty much one sided.
And those who have been 'stung' by people like this, 
Do not awaken as if overnight they are excited and prepared...
To be in the presence of those whose minds have been rehabilitated.
I could care less how many scriptures are quoted.
And the recent donation of their charitable ways.
A conscious attack made upon another.
Is an attack upon another that was made consciously.
Say that any way you please.
If anything, 
New tactics have been learned that has sealed one's identity.
And one's dignity maintained is never compromised, 
By those wishing to make other people miserable.
And there is nothing like watching people like that, 
Do that to themselves, i got your lesson but you didn't

As if waiting to be revenged, How superficial thinking you are.!!

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