
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Enough is enough

We are the guardians of this world 
yet we try to destroy it with greed. 
We chop down rain forests here and there 
not caring about the wildlife who share it. 
We fish certain species to distinction 
not thinking what we do.
Mother Nature then says enough is enough 
and throws us a few warnings 
to take heed and mend our ways. 
They come in the shape of violent storms, 
floods, earthquakes and such 
to show us she means business.
Still we ignore her warnings 
carrying on as if nothing has happened. 
We just carry on poisoning 
everything greed wants to control 
until one day and it will come 
we will have nothing at all.
Poisoned atmosphere not fit to breathe, 
poisoned waters not fit to drink 
and cancerous radioactive sore no one can heal. 
By that, time it will be too late 
greed will have secured that 
and this world will die along with us.

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