
Saturday, October 13, 2012

From nothingness we came,

From nothingness we came, 
into nothingness we shall pass, 
and this life beautiful, 
is for only few years alas! 
Yesterday night my neighbor's, 
heart beat for the last time, 
tomorrow you may no longer see, 
me sitting on the garden grass.
and with each passing moment, 
we keep on breathing this air, 
until we have no more left, 
in our life's lovely glass.
but for only a few of the days, 
i lived in peace and harmony, 
while for the rest of the days, 
i busy was in the race to amass.
but from today i take this vow, 
to live each day with utmost class, 
to seek happiness in all little things, 
to have often whole hearted laugh.
So that when it is time to go, 
to death i can no longer say no, 
i know that i have lived enough, 
and happily i can declare 'ok to last

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