
Tuesday, October 02, 2012


Have you ever felt betrayed ?
by those you thought you loved ?
it really hurts even more so,
because they didn't give a stuff,
not for your feelings,

and not for you,
they just long,
to do the dirty on you!
then turn it around,
to make out it's your fault,
that you forced them,
into the arms of another woman,
because they don't want the blame,
they cant handle the shame,
so why do we put up with it?
when thier's so much hurt to hide,
in this lonely heart of yours,
you feel like part of you has died
they play with your life like a game,
but how would they feel,
if we did the same,
turn to another man,
when time gets hard,
then tell them it's thier fault,
for giving you the red card,
why do we take them back,
when they hurt us so much?
is it because we long for their touch?
is it because they think they will change,
will it get better if we turn the page,
the answer is 'NO' and will always be,
he really doesn't care,
and everyone can see,
who's looking in from the outside,
but we cant because we are too proud,
to admit that we are broken inside,
to admit that they have won !
To say one cares for another,
To conveniently use to make excuses...
With a hiding behind to abuse one's trust,
Will eventually find its way out in the open.
And there are just too many people like that,
To have one believe that their approach...
To throwing someone 'cared for' under the bus,
Has a different touch.


Now repeat after me, 
I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt, but 
I'm alive, I'm human 
I'm not perfect but i'm thankful.

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