
Monday, October 15, 2012

Husband and wife

I’m losing my life 
Before my eyes
What I cherished most
I've learned to despise.
The dreams we shared
The castles we built
Have now turned to stone
From anger and guilt.
I have no control
I’m under your spell
With the secrets you keep
You've chained me in Hell.
You’re beating me down
With your words and lies
The pain is un-giving
It’s useless to try.
But tearing me up
I think you should know
I’m not giving up
I’m not letting go.
So bring on the pain
Your words and deceit
My love is too strong
For you to defeat.
I’ll fight to the death
Be it your heart or mine
My strength may be weakened
But my love stands through time.
Through good times and bad
Before God on our knees
We promised to love
I’m begging you, please.
Stop ruling the world
Just let it all be
The one thing that matters
Is you and me.
You may be lost now
But I’m letting you know
I’m hanging on tight
I’m not letting go.
I’ll wait if I have to
For the rest of my life
Because together we promised
As husband and wife. 

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