
Thursday, October 04, 2012

It's okay to cry

When all that's around you
Seems awkward with trouble
When people surround you
And make your work double
When all you can think of
Is why do they pry
When words seem to fail you
It's okay to cry
When all that surrounds you
Is hopeless and sad
When some people harm you
They treat you so bad
When they leave you so lonely
And tell you a lie
When no thought seems to comfort
It's okay to cry
When tears sting the lonely
And your empty heart aches
When your question you ask
Is why my heart breaks
When friends reach a hand to you
Once more you ask why
When you sit there and wonder
It's okay to cry
When you ask yourself why again
Your heart full of fear
When all around hurts so
Just too much to bear
When you need help understanding
You know you must try
When nothing else helps you
IT's okay to cry

Put you should know that
Crying our past a river, 
Will never give you another chance
So, repeat this wise words after me .. with a load voice 
I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt, but 
I'm alive, I'm human .. I'm not perfect but i'm thankful.

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