
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do you know who you are ?

At the entrance of most ancient esoteric mystery schools
Were these inscriptions – Man Know Thyself
The question here is - Do you know who you are? 
Have you ever asked yourself – Who am I? 
We all know that you are a two-legged creature
Creatures looking like you are called human beings
Do you know who you really are? 
Everybody around probably knows your full name
You too know all your given names and nicknames
We all know that human beings are more than names
Do you know who you really are? 
Do you know your own likes and dislikes? 
Do you know what you like doing in your spare-time? 
Apart from your profession, what else do you do? 
Do you know your strengths and abilities? 
Do you know your weaknesses and faults? 
Do you know your potentials as a human being? 
Do you know you were born with some natural talents
Everybody knows their own sign of the zodiac
The question here is – are human limitations
Decided and controlled by their sign of the zodiac? 
All things been equal, there are good and bad people
In every zodiac sign, while there are rich and poor 
People also in every astrological sign
To attribute your weaknesses and failures to astrology
Is a sure evidence of fallacy and self-delusion 
Do you know who you really are? 
Look at yourself in the mirror, 
Let today be the start of your self-analysis
Your journey to self-discovery has began

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