
Monday, November 12, 2012


Like the cold steel blades of winter rain
Like the beam of warmth on a summer lane
In ways you could explain
I descend upon you
Even the chosen few
I caress the anvil with a lover's touch
I exude an image and appear as such
If the truth be known it cuts
To the bone
I stand alone
I know love and recognize 
The inevitable compromise
I choose to walk the shining path
And accept the possible aftermath
You may ponder and judge and you might understand
This single entity
This one man band
And howsoever I meet my fate
I can't complain, there's no debate
I don't want caffeine free
Stimuli sit well with me
Still I grow, still I evolve
With a singular resolve
One life is all you get
With tests and goals we are beset
Don't let it end with regret

i live it .. i love it.

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