
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Last and wait

Starting in the eyes, the dreams
end underfoot, 
there the river lies still without the bridge.
It'd take centuries to build the muddy path
walking with the air and wind; 
Time goes beyond me
And I am the solitary voyager
far behind you; 
Holding on to the residual stores
of my life, 
I wait for the moment standing
on the farthest point of the expansion
when the universe shrinks back.
The shadow of the night gets
terrified seeing the pointed
flame of the lamp.
The pavilion of the sky looks small, and
the light is more abundant than my heart.
But, the distances
are not longer than the
circles of the dreams; 
In the divine seasons
when the stars blossom
like flowers; and
the butterflies flit around
the sun-fire, then
your moon like phizog
will appear on the
branches of the eternal dusk
If you have the spirit
to last and wait, 
then, with a new pact
of the rudiments
I will come for you! 

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