
Friday, November 02, 2012


What if some thing is earnestly said and not done
What if silently witnessed and gone 
What even if good words spoken and not acted upon
What will it cost if merely lip service rendered and undone
I shall think of all but do nothing
Search for personal solace and try for something
Still personal ego come and tries to obstruct
Not to obey but only to instruct
I try to be human 
But later on blame as helpless woman or man
With noble start if any body can? 
Try to love self and be very good fan
Try to be selfish as much as possible
This trend can be made reversible
One may feel contended after its contentment
It may then be satisfaction for that moment
Until you know the distrust you can not trust
It is paramount to know and is must
Any thing untested can be commented upon
It has to be tide over and own
To love a self is to love for others
You may know the odds and bother
How great will be pain for unknown? 
Until it is loved by self and known

What is wrong if pursued in wrong direction? 
What harm will be done if that is made rectified action? 
It is important to learn from the past mistakes
The end result may be tested as sweet cake
Everyone praises the glorious events
No one looks upon failure and the hard attempts 
The success has come after initial failures
It has contributed a lot for making it sure
It was probing the mind all along
People may adversely comment if something goes wrong
Only bright side is praised and appreciated
It is all the more same for the work initiated
We are made to suffer at the hands of fate
Any help or advice comes very late
It helps to boost the morale
It lands into success with different tale
Even if some help is offered partially
It will make substantive change really
It may have hidden blessings for the good efforts
The person may feel at ease with comforts
We all are gifted with human weaknesses
Some one can come out of it with great success
Most of us will be down with so many hurdles
Life is seen as temporary phase like water bubbles
We try to play safe without being hurt
Avoid the violence if there is spurt
It is easy to keep away from trouble
Think over it peacefully and try to be humble 

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