
Sunday, December 02, 2012

T.T.T ... Time To Talk

How do you tell a loved one, Something you know will cause them pain.When not telling them would crueler, And things would still end up the same?
Do you break it to them gently,
Or like a quick clean cut from a knife.
Should you calculate and plan it,
Or just cuff things, impromptu like.
You can never plan for ones reaction
They'll surprise you time after time.
Best to judge it as you tell it,
And take it line by line.
Well tonight the night I planned it,
Here goes nothing I think one would say.
Hold my breath and bite the bullet,
And remember,

There is a time to talk, and a time to keep silence
There are many steps, before taking any action
when we'll breaking our silence and
tomorrow a brand new day. 

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