
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Your Ego

You've got a big ego you do come on strong
You try to convince others your ideas cannot be wrong
There are millions like you in the big World out there
So do not feel precious since your type are not rare.
Our political leaders installed by the majority
But majority thinking seems dangerous to me
Since more rum ours of war and millions in poverty
And no future for the Stateless refugee.
To those of similar thinking we tend to gravitate
And a friendship with those who think different we've no wish to create
With an exclusive clique you choose to socialize
Quite arrogant as you are but not at all wise.
You've got a big ego and it also does seem
That you suffer from an over inflated sense of self esteem
Your thinking from my thinking seems far apart
Though red is the blood that flows through every heart.

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