
Sunday, February 03, 2013

Do you readily believe them and why?

If the say that life is hard to bear, do you readily believe them, and why?
If they say that love is pure fiction, do you readily believe them and why?
If they whisper that life is just a dream, Can you tell which one we are living in?
If they whisper that you are being loved, by the greatest lover since the dawn of time.
Can you feel his love surrounding and protecting you, Or did you already convince yourself it's just a whim?
Because you rather give way, to distrust and despair fed to you by others.
I tell you

The dream of mankind is great, to great to be fathomed by our tiny mind. Cause i came, saw and caught a glimpse of the greatness awaiting us all.
There is no need to believe me off-course, but i do think you should ask yourself, why you rather give way to those, that preach so harshly about hardship and the lack of love in this world.

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