
Sunday, February 10, 2013

let's imagine

Just imagine the people eating the right and correct foods at all times, Frequency to the hospitals for minor sickness will be greatly reduced, Many of human illnesses will disappear and vanish, The less number of patients the doctors have to look after .. The more time they will have to conduct research, The medical expenditure of the government will be drastically reduced, The savings from medical expenditure can be channelled into education

Imagine free medical services and benefits for all the citizens, Self-medication because of poverty will come to an end, the poor and the rich will have equal access to medical facilities, Many will stop suffering in silence for inability to pay medical fees, And the citizens will feel that the government is actually for the people

Just imagine more and more people using public transportation, The number of motor accidents will be severely reduced, There will be less pollution from motor vehicle emissions, The less pollution will eventually lead to cleaner air
The cleaner the air, the better and healthier the environment
Imagine everybody regarding their neighbours as a member of their family. Everyone will become each others brothers and sisters. Hatred and dislike will be on their way to disappear from our midst, More caring and kindness will be evident in all places. Mutual compassion and thoughtfulness will revolutionize our society, A brand new friendly and benevolent society will be in the making

Just imagine single people discovering their soul-mates before marriage. The word called – divorce will be on its way out of our society. Marital ecstasy and happiness will be apparent in all places. Children will be happy living with their fathers and mothers .. Divorce lawyers will ultimately move into corporate and civil laws.
A brand new society cannot be legislated into existence, The responsibility for a brand new society is on all of us, What part are you going to play to make it happen?
once i read;  
"The Soul selects her own Society -- Then -- shuts the Door -- To her divine Majority -- Present no more"
" Emily dickinson.
That was a brilliant words.. So, Please enjoy your life, 'n let's imagine a new Society.

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