
Saturday, February 09, 2013

Make the best use of your talents

We have all been told many times in our life
To strive for the highest
Go for the gold, try to be number one
But in the real world
We all cannot be number one
That means - not all will be Mr. President
Then, if you cannot be Mr. President
Become the best senator there is
Be the best congressperson there is
Not everybody will be Mr. Editor
Why not be the best writer there is
Be the best reporter for your paper
If you cannot be the chief justice
Become the best judge in your state
Be the best lawyer that ever lived
Surely, not everybody will become
The chief software architect
Be the best computer programmer in your city
Be the best software developer there is
If you cannot be the chancellor
Become the best professor in your field
Be the best teacher any student can find
If you cannot be the chief of medicine
Become the best medical doctor there is
Be the best specialist in your field
If you cannot be the chief of police
Then become the best police person loved by all
Not all will be chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
Then become the best general in your battalion
Be the best officer liked by all soldiers
Become the best soldier in your unit
Not all will become the chief of naval staff
Then you can become the best sailor in the navy
Similarly, there can only be one chief of air staff
Then, why not become the best pilot in the air-force
Always make the best use of your talents

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