
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Move Fast

We're all citizens of nowhere on this planet Earth, This is where we were born, We can't dictate where our ship will berth or which continent we will adorn?
Our colour will determine how we survive, As for gender it's much the same, There will be those who'll struggle to stay alive, Those who respect and those who defame.
Our sexuality will influence some, Why, only they can tell, Will we be happy or eternally glum?
Will we enjoy life or be put through hell.
Religion will play an integral part, Which one's right and which one is wrong, The problem is they're all so far apart, It's hard to say where you belong.
Were you born into money or will you be poor, To a point we can influence this, How we'll achieve it I'm not really sure, But it's something we cannot dismiss.
That is the problem humans have got, Equality is not in our genes,
There are those who have and those who have not, One who praises while the other demeans.
Trivial wars and needless disputes, Have left millions upon millions dead, Who is to blame, the men in suits?
They truly are sick in the head.
Our obsession with riches is making us blind, We are nearing the end of the road, Everything will die including mankind, Our planet is about to implode.
All of the issues mentioned before, By comparison they don't mean a thing, As one Mother Nature we can restore, Ignore her and the axe will swing.
The Earth is ours we're a part of all life, If you've not sinned then cast the first stone, We are the cause of all Earthly strife, The time has come for us all to atone.
This planet we live on is dying fast, The human race needs to come together, Divisions among us it's now time to lambaste, The Earth's reached the end of her tether.
To every one of us this warning applies, As a species we're all partners in crime, Unless we take action the planet Earth dies ...  Move Fast, We've A Mountain To Climb.

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