
Monday, February 04, 2013

My ordinary life

Yes there's been laughter and the tears,
Our life isn't always what it appears,
What the secret I hear you ask,
As in happiness we seem to bask,
Don't make life a massive task,
It will keep your flame alight.
Love each other with a will,
Never treat marriage as a drill,
Staying in love is truly a skill,
Respect really does unite.
Keep arguments few and far between,
Don't always say what you mean,
Never make your partner green,
Or their ire you'll incite.
Always apologise when you're wrong,
That will keep you both on song,
For each other you must be strong,
To each other be polite.
Life is really hard enough,
Take the smooth with the rough,
Be there when the times get tough,
Of each other never lose sight.
Don't insult or cause affray,
Always give your spouse a say,
You'll live to fight another day,
Never deal in spite.
The greatest secret of them all,
Is to ensure that you don't brawl,
The golden rule I must install,
Is, ‘' The Wife Is Always Right ‘'

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