
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Nothing last forever

They give you a life they look after you, To them you're their reason for living, Whatever happens if troubles ensue, They'll be caring and always forgiving.
Do they own you or is it the other way round, In fact neither statement is true, Parent child relationships were made to astound, You love them and they'll always love you.
They will want you to achieve so much more, Regardless you will fill them with pride, With you they will have a unique rapport, Their devotion will never subside.
They'll try to teach you about good and bad, To ensure you avoid all their mistakes, They'll forever be there be it happy or sad, A good parent just never forsakes.
Yes there'll be times they will get annoyed, You will bring them to total despair, Any troubles you have they will never avoid, For you they will always be there.
You may well think they just interfere, Their aim is to cause you great strife, As you grow older it will become clear, They just want you to have a good life.
They'll try to put up with your mood swings, Watch over you each day as you grow, The good times and problems another year brings, Their love you will feel and will know.
Embarrassing you is a parents right, There'll be times they will drive you wild, Regardless of that they will never lose sight, That to them you will always be their child.
You will do things that will surprise, Good parents like nothing more, What you can achieve will open their eyes, That's why it's you they adore.
If you only strive to do your best, Without the need for discord,
If with common sense you are blessed, That will be your parents reward.
When you have children yourself one day, That is when you will learn, The sacrifice your parents had to pay, Mutual respect is a gift both must earn.
Your Mum and Dad are messengers from God, Look after them while they're here, What they do for us we should all applaud, Their actions we must truly revere.
Your parents will give you love and care, That special bond you must never sever, God's trials of life can be so unfair, For the pity is, ‘' They Don't Last Forever ''

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