
Thursday, February 07, 2013

thru time

When I was five how I wanted to be ten, I just longed to be a young man,My mind would wander now and then, I wanted to be in the grown ups clan.
When I reached ten I thought of being twenty, By then I'd be driving my car,Time for the future, well I still had plenty, getting older was a distance to far.
Now I've hit twenty I've nothing to fear, time fades past me so slow,
I'm still a young man so I've nothing to fear, I've still got a long time to go.
Thirty years old and it's still not too bad, I've a wife and children I love,My health is good I love being a dad, My life is truly a gift from above,The big four zero has finally come, I now watch, as my parents grow old,The thought of that is making me feel numb, as I know it cannot be controlled. 
My children have flown, This life can be really strange,Back when I was five I wish I had known, growing older you cannot exchange.
Be careful what you wish for it may come true, Cherish life for it's far too short, Enjoy what you have age you cannot subdue, When you're young these facts you distort.
I'm now forty one years old how I wish I were five, Hindsight's such a wonderful thing, All those I loved dearly would still be alive, I'd be thinking of what the future might bring.
You must live for today forget tomorrow, Just be thankful for being alive, Though there will be joy as well as sorrow, It's how we cope that makes us all thrive.
Life is precious don't ever wish it away, When it's gone it becomes part of the past, Enjoy your years every wondrous day,
Treat Each living Second As Your Last

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