
Friday, February 08, 2013

What is your problem !!

Have you ever met any human who has no problem?
Even the happiest of humans have their problems
Similarly, the super rich have their own problems
Some husbands have problems with cheating wives
Many wives have problems of unfaithful husbands
Various families have problems of disobedient kids
Also children have problems of negligent parents
Employers have problems with disloyal workers
Lots of people have problems of insufficient funds
Inevitably, as long as we humans live on planet earth
we are sure to have one problem or another
The question here is – do we have problems
because we are too ambitious or because
we crave and yearn for what we want and not
necessarily what we actually need?
This is a loaded question with no easy answers
Many human problems are not related to
ambitions, desires, aspirations and objectives
Diligent drivers have problems with careless ones
The honest citizens have problems with the thieves
While the thieves have problems with the police
the police too have problems with the
slow and time consuming judicial system
Voters have problems with do-nothing politicians
The politicians who look after their own pockets
instead of truly caring for their constituents
Teachers too have problems with poor students
Can we human beings ever be free of problems?
Is it possible to live in perpetual happiness?
Your answer is as good as mine

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