
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Your beautiful soul

You can see it and hear it, it's a sensual taste, Yes It is truly a gift to behold, You can touch it or smell it on our senses it's based, Aesthetically it begins to unfold.
So what is beauty how is it defined?
Is there a right or a wrong?
What is beautiful to someone who's blind?
To who or what does it really belong?
It can be hearing a song or a voice you love, Which proves it doesn't need to be seen, Thinking of the joys of Heaven above, What you love someone else will demean.
Meeting your partner for the very first time, Seeing your first child come alive, Touching the peaks of those mountains you climb, Feeling pride as your offspring thrive.
I can smell beauty in flowers and trees, Others see it glisten in the skies, A joy to behold is the taste of the seas, To all of our senses it applies.
There is so much diversity in that very word, Yet it's individual to one and all, That's why this subject is going to be blurred, What you love to some will appal.
Beauty is something we all seek in life, Look, it stares us all in the face, It's a word that can cause such terrible strife, Yet it's something we all love to embrace.
You don't need to search for it's all around, We encounter it day in and day out, By respecting all life it can be found, It's a gift we are never without.
What you think is beautiful others may hate, So don't force your opinion on another, Some things will lift you while others deflate, What you love to some may well smother.
Don't be self-righteous step down from your perch, It's much deeper than the depth of our skin, What you can't see is where you must search, True beauty always comes from within.
It can't be taught nor can it be bought, You'll not find it in a book or a folder, The meaning of that word that you have sought, Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 

Shooo, feel

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