
Tuesday, March 05, 2013

A melody of changing postures.

They assembled themselves like chairs, like a rounded set of stairs they're twisting drama pulling and choking on breaths of confusing spaces.
Lights chimed in the thin glow of night paralyzing any ability to leave
sounds reached in silence needed no words.
So many times before they had found this place the spaces found when there's nowhere to go
each sentence finding fondness to begin again.
The walls assembled around them as shifting tides moving in and out but their hearts, bathed in each others glimpse held together, the pieces of a forgotten season.
Living through a bronze reflection as leaves turn to gold and winter grows fond, of a withered heart
their world of soaring stars gazed back upon them
then broke them apart into small specks of dust to find a way back through the winds which evoked, a melody of changing postures.

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