
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Just be yourself

Don't try to be me and I won't try to be you
there is only one of me and there is only one of you
Don't go around pretending to be somebody that you are not
there real you is who you should let people see and not what you've got
You don't need to put on a false identity
trying to look and act like a celebrity
you are who you are with your own personality
that's the way it so just deal with reality
Looking up to someone is nothing wrong but when you try to become that someone
that's where you don't belong just be yourself and play it cool 
why pretend and make yourself look like a fool? 
I won't try to be you, so don't try to be me
if others can't accept they way you are
then just let them be

And always define your real identity

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