
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pain and Pleasure

Pleasure and pain, 
Neither can be measured.
Everybody claims they can understand, 
They say they have felt it too.
Nobody's pleasure is the same, 
The feelings are never equaled.
Nobody's pain can ever be matched, 
Because the meanings are always different.
This poem is not like the usual, 
I do not want it to be the same.
Pleasure is something I had, 
Recently I have lost it.
Pain is something I now have, 
I do my best to hide it.
Having a cold heart is the only way, 
Nobody must see my pain.
This is not the way I want it, 
This is the way it must be.
People do not realize what pleasure is, 
Nor do they understand what pain can do.
Pleasure is suppose to be enjoyed thoroughly, 
Pain should be dealt with head on.
Pleasure is the ultimate spice of life, 
Pain makes you think that you are dying.
Pleasure protects you with a shield, 
Pain is the only thing that can penetrate it.
My past relationship had both, 
It had more pleasure and pain.
Love is pleasure, but Hate isn't the pain.

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