
Friday, March 15, 2013

The art of giving

Silence is the sharpest sword of all, 
For when it kills, you never hear the fall.
When someone dies, you do not feel
the pain, and life goes on, when there's nothing more to gain.
The cruelest word is never spoken, 
It's left unsaid...
The greatest wounds are bloodless, After all...we're dead.
Oh, we walk and talk, and sleep and eat, if you can call that living, 
But we've lost the most important thing, 
We've lost the art of giving.
We exist, but yet we don't, we're like a waking ghost...
and when we can't receive love, then that's what hurts us most.
Silence is the sharpest sword of all, 
For when it kills, you never hear the fall; 
and when loves dies, then all is gone, 
and one can't tell, the sunset from the dawn. 

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