
Friday, March 22, 2013

Too hard to take

When all the world is sad and weary, 
When all the eyes are moist and teary, 
When all one does is mad and leery, 
That's when God's love shines through.
When all the hearts are full of sorrow, 
And nothing bright comes in the 'morrow, 
When all your hopes are there to borrow, 
That's when God's word comes true.
When you have emptiness and heartache, 
When all your wishes lie in your wake, 
When there is nothing else that one can take, 
That's when God's hand will reach to you.
When all the tragic sense of loss is there, 
When you feel as though no one's to care, 
When they tell you that your life's not fair, 
That's when God's voice will only will do.
That's when you'll shed the blues of doubt, 
That's when you'll know what love's about, 
That's when you'll feel the very joy to shout, 
That's when you'll know, the love you thought, 

But never really never knew. 

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