
Tuesday, April 09, 2013

A true friend

In rhythm of life full of many strife
We find ourselves out of tune
From momentary sorrow and pain
No man is immune
Friend is like umbrella in the rain
The music of nature is in best
In the company of friends when you rest
Enjoy the life like a little parody
Friends are here to provide melody
Hold true friend with both your hands
You will feel the bliss of nature in sea and sands
Don't let go as true friend
For relations may start and end
Remember my dear, O my dears
A true friend sees the first tear, Catches the second... and stops the third
Stands with you situation may be absurd
A friend multiplies happiness and divides sorrow
A deep friend is like colorful rainbow
When the perfect amount of happiness and tears are mixed
All differences big or small is then fixed
And results in a colorful bridge between two hearts
A new renovated and rejuvenated journey starts

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