
Monday, April 08, 2013

Conviction inexhaustible treasure

Eyes of shadow and sorrow.
Enveloped in sadness and hate.
The seeds of heartache sown once before.
Sown now by my own hand, convicted.
Though the vines bloom and grasp.
They have no hold on me.
All my tears were shed before.
I have no more left to bare.
Only one last string remains now.
That time will devour wholly.
Though partial in my decisions.
I am sure in my conviction.
Battles remembered as this race ends.
Insulted and lacerated inside.
A constant reminder of internal torment.
Blended with my own surrender.
Blinded by the thought of nothing.
Forever on my knees in servitude.
Giving all I am, all I was.
Never once raising a fist to defend.
Wars waged aside these feelings will fade.
My resolve will rebuild, my mind will ease.
These wounds will close but leave their mark.
Reminders of why i'm convicted.
Grievances embraced, my new solace.
Bore on solid shoulders.
All adding to my certainty.
All adding to my conviction

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