
Thursday, April 11, 2013

How much money do you need to be happy ?

How much money do you need to be happy ? .. Poor man
How much money should you have to be happy ? .. Greedy man
How much money do you want to be happy ? .. Thrifty man
How many men would you corrupt to have money ? .. Gentleman
How many people would you kill to get money ? .. Coward man
How many children would you exploit to make money ? .. Hungry man
How many laws would you break to be rich ? .. Dishonest man
How many illegal ways would you use to be wealthy ? .. Weak man
How many lies would you tell to gather money ? .. Sick man
How many friends would you betray to get money ? .. Thirsty man
How much damage would you cause to make money ? .. Blind man
How much power do you need to be proud ? .. Mad man
How much power do you need to lead the crowd ? .. Bad man
How much power do you require to kick the world ? .. Ugly man
How much power do you need to be satisfied ? .. Selfish man
How much power do you need to be happy ? .. Sad man
How much hate do you want to be famous ? .. Wrong man
How much hate do you need to stop massacres ? .. Dwarf man
How much sorrow do you want to love the other ? .. Fool man
How much misery do-you want to be happy ? .. Crazy man 

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