
Saturday, April 06, 2013

My stranger

How do I commence speaking, of someone that I not know? 
my heart aches for them, to be my fountain of love so, 
A fountain from which they drink, every drop, an eternal passion, 
no blessing for me, in feeling their warm embrace, 
still, they're dearly missed, everyday when I lie, dreaming of the day, 
when I will be with them, my stranger at my side, 
hold them by me, an show how much I care, that I love them so, 
for in my mind, they just won't go, 
no matter what I do, my sight does see, my mind's one thought, 
is my soul's only want, to inhabit their's alone, an become one to be, 
for I am in love, with a stranger so dear, 
please God, O' please, bring my stranger here.

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