
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


the sun can't shine too far or else
we burn up whole and devour the rest
of our inanimate lectures
on wrong and wrong and still moral wrong
in all that we do we sink our teeth 
into what can be done with our sinking beat
and the music is playing, devouring us
consuming our post-modern attitudes
and attributes
so your right he's right she's right who's right
and it fades into a banter yell
so clear, and clearly shaken and expected
to be condemned with rebellion in the souls 
of our shoes as we say 
this is not my fault i didn't know
and believe we have the key to the destiny 
told not on cards palms globes
but hearts evil and persisting, perspiring
with the oath to tear it down at all costs
despite cruel intentions to make it outlast 
our lust in the moment of the hour
for the lifetime we only know once
before passing 
and passing 
this choice we shouldn't be making but we do
in the face of social suicide genocide egocide
and we let the tide
bring us to the middle
of our sin of our ride of our emotion
all fake none real nonetheless
fathomless bottom fakeless pretense
and no one understands what they all know
for the sake of random stupidity 
rather than landing on the ocean tied to what we care
to ask for wish for reach for 

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