
Thursday, April 04, 2013


I believed that love would last forever, 
I believed that joy would know no end; 
I saw the world through colored glasses, 
I saw my lover as my best and only friend.
I saw success and never knew a want, 
I reached the the highest I could see; 
I touched the hearts of many all around, 
And never worried over just what they called me.
Each dream I had, was better than before, 
Each goal I set, I met it every time; 
I saw my happiness get ever higher, 
I saw my joy explode with every breath; 
I saw my every wish come true, 
And forgot there's such a thing as death.
I laughed till I had my fill of laughter, 
And from my dream, I then woke up.
Now slapped me in the face, 
And sobered up I looked like hell; 
And of the dream, there was no trace, 
My world was just an empty shell.
The mind plays tricks on broken hearts, 
The brain imagines, what's not there; 
And what seems real begins to fall apart, 
And no one seems to see or care.
They say you must endure the living, 
When all you love is down the drain; 
And they insist you must be kind and giving, 
But that was when you once were sane. 

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