
Sunday, April 07, 2013

Soul and Mind

Mind is a product of Brain, Brain stores Knowledge, 
Knowledge is always partial, hence Mind is not a perfect one
Mind being limited is prone to err, don’t believer mind
All Problems of World, Wars, Crimes, Divorces, Cheating
Fights, Jealousy, Fear, Anxiety, Anger, Creed, Greed, and all
Nonsense are caused by an Imperfect thing, THE MIND
Soul is Soft Voice within you; a ray from Divine
For it knows Eternity, It is Complete, It‘s your Soul
Soul never commands you, but whispers to you in feeble voice
Soul speaks though your Consciousness for it knows the Highest Truth
Mind Thinks, Soul Realizes, Mind uses Intelligence, Soul is Intuitive
Mind is Authoritative, Soul is Submissive, Mind is finite, Soul is infinite

Mind is a product of evolution, Soul is fully evolved being
Mind is Happiness and Sorrow, Soul is Eternal Bliss
Mind is just an Actor, Soul is a silent Spectator
Mind is Gross, Soul is Subtle, Mind Commands, Soul Advises
Mind is Adamant Servant, Soul is faithful Boss
Mind slowly dissolves with death, Soul is Eternal and can't be annihilated
Mind is just a tool needed for day to day living, Soul is the real You
All addictions are plays of Mind, Soul is the perfect Being
All Dramas of life are cause of Mischievous Mind
Emotions are product of Mind; Conscience is product of Soul
Empires have crumbled due to Misdemeanor of Minds
Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi and the Great trusted their Soul

Close your eyes and Meditate to realize the Soul; 
Boldly ask for excuse when you realize your mistakes
For Truth and wisdom are always on Soul's side
Be Humorous; but not sarcastic, for Humor nourishes mankind
Your greatness lies in your Uniqueness; Don't join any band wagon of Gurus
For Truth is a pathless land and no Guru can can teach you Truth
You are your own Guru and Disciple to realize Truth
Life gives enough opportunities to realize Soul
You are always Evolving, Evolving and Evolving every second
Agenda of Soul is your Evolution and will never rest
Till you realize Truth; Trust your Soul and always be Soulful
Don't Trust your Mind; Trust your Soul for it is Eternal

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