
Monday, April 29, 2013

what is wrong.

I'm tired of always being asked what is wrong? ! 
Sometimes I like to ponder and think, 
I like to be silent and observe the world around me, 
There isn't always something wrong, 
Maybe I just feel like being quite, 
Maybe I just feel like not smiling, 
Maybe I just want to think, 
And being around people who are loud
Make it hard to think.
Please stop asking me what is wrong, 
Cause in all honesty there is nothing wrong, 
I’m fine, 
I'm sane, 
I'm happy, 
I just want think and stare at the world around me, 
There is nothing wrong! ! ! 
I wrote this cause it is true there isn't always something wrong, something isn't always bothering me.
Maybe I just want to recall the day, think about tomorrow, or just think.
I would love it if people would stop asking me what is wrong.

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