
Thursday, May 09, 2013

I've life

Life is full of noise
Much ado about nothing
It is a fool’s paradise - Where 
Every man thinks he is wise! 
Life is a chamber in which we live
And think this is the world
One person playing many roles
We straddle one two many a horse
Bit and bridle holding in hand
We turn and mount the other way
The dumb teach the deaf
And the blind lead the lame
In this world where none can lead
Being students all, yet, we try
Our hand to lead to by our will
Sweet we are we think
Like a soft and blooming rose
But, alas! We have our thorns! 
Life is good, life is correct
To each man what he does is right
When right and might fight to chose
Life ends up to be a sucking whirlpool..!!
Now do you have life ..!! personally i have
Life is breathing .. I have life
My heart flutters in its breeze, I pile no money
So my life is easy because i no need to count.
Life is working .. I have life
My heart flutters beneath its strain, I work and work
So my life keeps on going.
Life is enjoying .. I have life
My heart flutters for all pleasures, I play .. i pray and eat
So my life isn't lounging lazily.
Life is loving .. I have life, My heart flutters 
In ecstasy, I love all
So my life is full of joy.
Life is serving .. I want more life
My heart flutters for other’s worries, I serve and help
So my life aims heavenly heights.

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