
Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Life ...

Likes and dislikes, preference and biases
Mundanely worries or heavenly glee
Existence must be liberated and free
Life is much larger than you and me
We fall short to comprehend it
And say its not my cup of tea
Goals of ABC education, n Job XYZ
Fail its meaning, when u look back and see
coz life is much larger than you and me
The success of life is achievement and victory
status, a big name, pots of Gold and Money
Society issues ones Boom's decree
Tied all the way, but think you are free
Life is much larger than you and me
Say! blessed are the prosperous ones, 

I disagree worldly goals buy contentment, 
not guaranteed feel joyed, when have peace internally
Your love, your children will complete this potpourri
So live as unbind not as abducted ...
Life is much larger than you and me

One after another
Challenges come, and grab your arm
You ask life, Now whats wrong? 
Troubles said: We are making you strong
Living a breezy life
Where no effort tag along
One never realizes what he has
Grasps after struggle short or long
Troubles said: We are making you strong
Everyone has a talent deeply sown
With no strive, stay hidden and unknown
In weakest moment one become strong
So, cash in hardships, they bring a new dawn
Troubles said: we will make you strong. 

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