
Friday, May 24, 2013


Let a blade penetrate your skin, inside your blood it sink, 
Mind goes blank and empty, now your unable to think, 
Let a blade penetrate your skin, if ever your by yourself, 
If ever you are alone, if ever you need someone else, 
Put a gun up to your head, and slowly let it go, 
Exposing all your secrets, the darkness you never show, 
Put a gun up to your head, and take away your life, 
When you get that lonely feeling, that cuts you like a knife, 
Hold that knife up to your heart, and let it pierce your soul, 
Shattering your life to pieces, a life once yours now stole, 
Hold that knife up to your heart, if ever there is no healing, 
No way to let it out, to fight that lonely feeling, 
Blade, gun, or knife, which ever the way you'll die, 
Which ever the way you'll fight, that lonely feeling inside, 
Blade, gun, or knife, you'll never feel the longing pain, 
The hurt of being careless, no, you'll never be lonely again,

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