
Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Loss of Paradise

With Mason Cooley words //No need to be sentimental to mourn the loss of Paradise// i'd like to start ..

I miss the nights, I felt angels near enough to touch
I miss the calming words, silent prayers that mean so much
I miss the undying pride, I found each day anew
I miss the reassurance, I had always known in you
I miss the songs, bringing Joy to a Youthful Heart
I miss calling out, knowing you would be there
I miss loving You, Lord, I miss you so much.
I spent the time, crying out to You in Prayer
I spent the time, not always knowing what to do
I spent the time, hoping You had a place for me too
I spent the time, down on my knees for You
I spent the time, and here I am: Alone by Your Side again
Oh to have things back as they were before
During my early years of trusting Love
Before my heart registered the pain You had known
As people degraded the Love You offered, let our voices call as One: .. Oh God, forgive them for they know not what they have done.

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