
Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Nothing but light runs forever.

All things of matter and energy, thoughts and experience, mind and body will one day wither and die.
But the light they leave behind will stay forever...
All darkness may disappear as it is fed only by those who conceal and restrict the movement of light; so when all care and courtacy subside, all that remains is the light....
One that casts no shadow and gives off no heat
but the natural warmth and care of it being there
One that learns no limit as it silently beams like eyes from a steady stream of devoted notion and uncut pleasantries...
The dead may lay restless in their graves or sleep in heavenly place but nothing is as silent as the light.
when it flows and when it glares it is unavoidable as is the Lord when He stares.
After all the light is He, and he is light
All will be transparent in this light, and there will be no hiding place;  not even the mind of thoughts that linger.
It knows no boundaries neither of nature nor knowledge as it moves seamlessly through space, time and terrine.
But for now all but one have sircumbed to its permeating force; that is of course the bearer of light and the key holder to its ultimate reign
Man- Wo-man- Hu-man- Wow
For he only would search boundlessly for what is his own.
The light is opportunity, it is power and it is wisdom
It need only be set free 

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